Thursday, 4 February 2010

This week...

I've been knitting poppies to be sold in aid of charity as requested by the wonderful people on . They are a friendly group who try to make life better for those less fortunate by making and donating a variety of things in accordance with the seasonal challenges set. I am not doing this for totally altruistic reasons although it does give a warm glow to be doing something good for people I will never meet or whose names I will never know. Over the years I have amassed a lot of possessions, and I mean a lot. Much of this is crafting materials which I buy fully intending to use but don't always manage to. Most of it has no monetary value (half a ball of grey acrylic yarn anyone?) but I really want to get the full use out of it. I could give it away but I genuinely do get pelasure out of crafting and want to use it all. So this is part of the huge clear out of my home. Also I can't eat and knit at the same time so as I have a pound or two (or more) to lose I have another good reason to knit. The picture really doesn't do them justice!


  1. One of my New Years resolutions was to use up my yarn stash. It's incredible how it just seems to grow out of control. I am constantly asking where in the heck it all came from!

  2. what a good person you are. I can't crochet to save my soul!


  3. What a wonderful way to do something to help others and to do something good for yourself at the same time!

    :: slightly belated mingle ::
