Wednesday, 2 December 2009

I'm such a bad blogger, I've let real life get in the way!
What have I been doing? Well, apart from work and general family goings on I've been catching up with some reading, trying to catch up with Christmas shopping and a little bit of crafting. I also enjoyed a trip to the Frankfurt Christmas Market in Birmingham - photos to follow later!

I have just signed up for a reading challenge to start in January, I have so many books in my home that I want to read and I find it difficult to chose my next read so I thought starting the year with a slightly more structured approach to defeating the huge Mount ToBeRead that lurks in my study, making me feel guilty would be a good idea. I really can recommend the wonderful , I defy any reader not to find a reading challenge to suit their interests and level of commitment there. Anyway, the challenge I have signed up for is
What's in a name? 3 Challenge, further details at .

1 comment:

  1. Welcome to blogging and to the challenge! Challenges are great ways to meet other bloggers. Check out the blogs of the people who have signed up for What's in a Name (for a start).

    Have fun and good luck!
